Tuesday, September 14, 2010

“Social Media in Supply” platform completed

MarketSqr Supply Networks announced last week that the implementation of the technology platform for its professional network has been completed. The aim of this platform is to establish a professional network serving the role players on all sides of the Purchasing and Supply processes. It originated from the belief that social media can ideally support improved relationship management between buying organizations and their suppliers.

It is believed that people playing different roles in organizations will all derive unique value from the solution. Purchasing people will find great value in the pooled intelligence on supplier ratings and recommendations and also being able to collaborate with co-customers of their suppliers in solving problems or driving product enhancements. Sales professionals will see improved leads generation while marketing leaders will have ample opportunity to build brand and improve company image.

The company will place very specific emphasis on supporting larger procurement organizations and all tiers of their suppliers. The company will now focus on building content and adopting early users before official launch in Q4 2010.

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